Dr Renita Rajan MD DNB

Of past due, patients have been asking me easily is a trichologist – without doubt, spurred on by so called/ self proclaimed ‘exclusive trichology centers’ and their press hype. Initially, I did not give much importance to this ‘trichology aspect’ – given their sales page that ‘dermatologists treat skin – trichologists treat hair’. I would think that individuals who did not know that dermatology was a report of the skin and pores and skin appendages – specifically the hair and the nail, would not know much anyhow! But with so many patients requesting this ‘are you a trichologist’ question, Personally I think that the sales pitch has indeed been a good marketing campaign.

And yes, I also feel the need to clarify to my patients, things – as they actually are! DISCLAIMER: I have nothing against trichology, which is a component of dermatology, or against trichologists, who are paramedical professionals (not medical doctors). My issue has been certain trichologists who make false claims, and who use the media hype to mistake people. Trichology was created as a paramedical profession to help medical doctors/ general professionals manage patients with locks complaints.

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This system overseas came about, since a dermatologist session was/ is difficult to get. Again, trichologists were also employed by dermatologists to help deal with MINOR hair issues, as you would employ a nurse practitioner trained in diabetes to help control diabetes related issues. I have nothing at all against good trichologists – these are a secured asset! Now to see this paramedical job making tall claims about how they may be better than dermatologists, who are medical specialists – both offline and online, on TV, in the press – now, you have to clarify things! Dermatology is a niche, one will after completing 5. 5 many years of MBBS.

The 3 12 months course, done at authorized post graduate medical schools, is an in-service training program – where, day one by training dermatology it means you start, under supervision. Within the three years, the supervision declines as your competency boosts, and the qualifying exam at the end of it makes sure that you can handle going out and dealing with patients independently. Some of us go on to consider another exam, called the DNB, which is more strict significantly.

All this learning is performed on an extremely useful basis – with occasional theory classes – basically, we learn on the working job! And that is a very good way of understanding how to learn – a good doctor uses this system throughout his/ her life. And the syllabus entails all the diseases related to your skin, and everything associated with the skin, specifically, the locks and the nail.

But practically, there is no stringent syllabus – one has to learn everything and anything related to your skin from any/ every authentic source of information. That is – as few know because, as far as medicine goes – there is absolutely no such thing as ‘out of syllabus’! The reason for this being, when a patient comes to a doctor with an unusual problem, the physician cannot change away the patient stating ‘out of syllabus’ – he/she has to provide an acceptable recommendation at least!