There are several principles which make it possible to make a website concept in one hour. These concepts are mainly made to keep your work as effective as possible, and the goal is to allow you to sit back and design without stopping. The first step in the process is to eliminate any potential distractions. An interesting email can kill 5 minutes, a phone call could kill 30, a random YouTube video could lead to an hour of distraction.
So, let’s close outlook or email, turn the telephone on silent, and shut down every other websites that might be distractions potentially. Once this is finished, you ought to be in ‘work mode’ -with only a pad, pen, and Photoshop. Perhaps, a few explorer/finder windows for document management, and maybe a few websites for symbols and other source downloads.
We’ll finish with the last mentioned resources quickly, though, and move into “photoshop-only” mode soon. Before we can start finding resources or even sketching out the website we need to know very well what it is we’re going to design. Because of this task, my goal is to create a modern-style blog index page.
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I’m going to look fairly minimal, with large images, and perhaps a few frills here-and-there. This vision will drive the majority of the decisions made from here on out, and I’ll often refer to it when there’s a need to select from one technique or another. What’s your eyesight is heading to be? Once you’ve got the overall vision for the web site, it’s time to begin sketching. AFTER I sketch a website I love to quickly write down the layout and maybe a few tips or hints thrown set for good measure. Basically, we only have about ten minutes for this step, so be too detailed-just give it a tough overview doesn’t.
If you have a look at my sketch you’ll see it isn’t heading to win any contests, but it will definitely help increase the look process after i start working in Photoshop. Perhaps the most crucial step of the process is to gather all of your materials beforehand, before beginning the design process. Imagine checking Photoshop and having every single element of the website prepared to go-boxes, buttons, fonts, etc-it would be super-quick to set up those elements and create your design just, right? That is our goal. You will find 5 or 6 key element groups that we have to have ready prior to starting the design.
Once you’ve collected all the resources you plan on using for the website, it’s time to move to the rough idea. So up until this point we’ve been doing mostly planning-and you may be questioning why I’ve spent 25 minutes from the hour time limit not developing anything.